From 1st October 2022 some new rules came in regarding carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in rented properties. If your property does not have gas this change will not affect you. 

This is an amendment to the Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms regulation 2015. The new amendment states the following:

"Ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is equipped in any room used as living accommodation which contains a fixed combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers)"

If you wish to read up further on the regulations and changes, information can be found here:,room%20used%20as%20living%20accommodation.

Please ensure on your next annual gas safety check, your gas engineer confirms you have an in date, working CO alarm in your property. They will install one for an additional cost if you do not have one. 

Simat Electrical Carbon Monoxide Detectors Installations - Simat Electrical